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A story of  family.

Elettrozincatura Ripamonti srl is a historic company, rooted in the territory, specializing in galvanic processing .


Thanks to the continues  evolution  technology , and the investments made, the company is currently able to satisfy the growing demand both at Italian and European level with an eye to the environmental impact .

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Quality , for every need.

Our company offers a number of  treatments  for several  sectors  of destination.

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Roto-barrel galvanizing


Continuous chain galvanizing

Holding Plant


A  different approach, 

for us and for the environment.

Right from the start, our company has invested in the environment, trying to reduce in a way  significant  the environmental footprint.

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Tel: +39 0341604541

Via dei Partigiani, 14

23857 Valgreghentino (LC)

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© 2021 Electro zinc plating  Ripamonti srl - VAT number 03399710130 - REA LC 315568

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